The Women of Power and Transformation (WOPAT), a non-governmental movement led by a black American lady, Professor Michelle Walker Davis, has launched an initiative to empower over One Billion successful Women Entrepreneurs by end of year 2030.
The initiative is to ensure that women, who are considered better managers of the home and in business, are given the needed financial tools and support to start new businesses or to expand their already existing ones.
Launching the initiative in Accra, the capital city of Ghana on Wednesday, December 29, 2021, Professor Michelle Walker Davis indicated that the main objective of the movement is to connect underprivileged women all over the world to accessible pool of funds to help them become successful entrepreneurs.
“We don’t have a pool of money that is available, but we have a pull of money that we know is accessible. I know that there is 850 billion dollars out there and its free money. I am going to work like hell to see that we access that in putting in applications for our women.
“But we are looking for businesses to support one another to come in with their millions and billions of dollars. And then we are going in to other successful women for them to give back. We have a plan and a strategy which we believe will work,” she said.
The initiative was launched at a very lively and colorful ceremony held at the Accra International Conference Center, which was graced by some chiefs and queen mothers, as well as women groups and members of the media.
The President of WOPAT, a real estate developer and a franchise owner, Professor Michelle, who is described as a serial entrepreneur and a Managing Partner of Imperial Management Group, a grant development firm in the 850 billion dollar market place, is on a mission to recirculate 3 trillion dollars within the black community and raise the value system of women.
Speaking in an interview with after the launch, the President said her outfit has put together a list of 20 richest women in the world including Oprah Winfrey and Judge Julie, who makes over 420 million dollars a year. According to her, these women have been identified as giving millions of dollars away to support women and empower them. She is therefore looking forward to them coming on board.
“We are working on all fronts. The main thing is we need the money. So, first thing we are going to do is to work with women supporting women; having investment in women and then we look for businesses that are in your country already that are doing business here. Each business is supposed to have a charitable arm to help those that are in need of help.”
The initiative is targeting women that want to be in leadership; that have an idea for business but do not know how to get started or somebody who wants to start a non-profit to help their community. The scheme would operate by advancing micro-loans out to these women without any interest. They only have to pay it back without any interest whatsoever.
She appealed for support and partnerships from government, corporate organizations and individuals to help make this initiative a reality.
“We need to create the awareness; we need to get the women on board and I need partners; I need people here in Ghana that want to see this happen; I need your Ministry of Education, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Women and Children. They all need to be a part of this and they all need to be on board.”
Source: Clement Akoloh||